Easter Recap

Happy Easter! I hope you all had a wonderful day! Today my family celebrated the freedom that we have in Christ through his sacrifice for our sins. After an incredible service at our church, Rio Vista, we had brunch at my mother and father in law's house. We were especially blessed to have three of our good friends join us as well! My MIL being the ultimate hostess, made a delicious brunch with recipes from Paula Deen, set a gorgeous table and gave us the cutest Easter baskets! Here are the pictures from our Easter brunch :) 

The cupcakes I made! 

Beautiful friends! Katie, Mel and Anne

My Easter basket! 
Kris humoring me and posing with his Easter basket :)

I hope you have a wonderful week sweet friends! xoxo Meggan 

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him.  For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. Romans 6:8-9
  1. Ok, seriously??? That is the PRETTIEST TABLE I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. wow! your MIL is beyond impressive with that table. and glad to see some sour patch kids in your basket - very nice. happy easter meggan!

  3. Gorgeous table settings! Looks like you had a wonderful Easter!

  4. this is one of the prettiest eater setups i have ever seen! it looks straight out of a magazine! just gorgeous!

    life spelled jen

  5. That decorating is absolutely beautiful! I hosted Easter dinner and although I did use cloth napkins we had 11 kids here so nothing too fancy. I made strawberry cupcakes that look identical to yours for dessert, they were delicious!

  6. Love the table setting, the decoration is exquisite, love every elements in it. happy easter dear



  7. love that you had such a good time with the friends and yes they are beautiful.


  8. Amazing table and great pictures! Looks like everyone had fun! Very cute Easter baskets! Love you!

  9. Looks like you had a very beautiful Easter!!!

  10. Ah! We made simillar cupcakes!! That table setting is gorgeous too!

    xoxo Nina



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